Love endures while lessons are learned
Marriage continues to be the cornerstone of our culture and society. No matter what attacks the enemy devises to steal, kill, and ultimately attempt to destroy God’s original design. God’s plan of redemption is always in play. There is no denying the rewards of living within the parameters God has established.
Each decade of marriage going back to the 50’s evolves with the change in tides of the culture. Our own experiences based on what decade we find ourselves, also experience an evolution. Let's explore some of those changes while remaining anchored to the unchanging truth of God’s Word.
Dating back to the 50’s, marriage was viewed from the perspective of tradition.
Traditional views of men and women were clear and in practice. Whether someone was a Christian or not, the traditional values influenced by God’s Word were still relevant. The post-war boom, economic growth, and the rise of suburban living shaped family life. The obvious erosion of family values was minimal, and paved the way for prominent evangelistic ministries to bear much fruit. Billy Graham, Bill Bright, and Chuck Smith were a few prominent leaders whose influence impacted many during this decade and beyond.
The 60’s brought quite the cultural revolution and great social change.
It was interesting to hear from Will and Cindy Goff in our podcast series for this month where we discussed this topic. They were married in 1969, and shared some of the outward influences that were not in line with what the Bible teaches about marriage. They navigated some turbulent waters before finding Christ and seeing their marriage restored. Make sure to listen to the podcast!
Self discovery and an increase in personal fulfillment permeated the 70’s.
Married couples found themselves juggling their own personal pursuits and marital commitments. The Western culture saw a shift in the devaluing of human life, and a failure to protect the life of the unborn. Some might say the decay of biblical, moral, and marital values wreaked havoc and it did. But as any trial usually does, God’s people sought the Lord and a movement with a focus on traditional family values surged. Because of this, many family ministries were founded during this decade.
Renewed vigor and restoration made its way through the 80’s.
This decade saw many mom’s working outside of the home. This changed the family dynamics drastically. Yet, married couples embraced the call to strengthen their relationship. Evangelical leaders recognized the need to instruct young singles on purity and what dating should look like for the believer. Sadly, some were negatively impacted because of an unhealthy approach to God’s beautiful design of marriage. As a result, this back-to-the-basics movement fueled the importance of family, and the pursuit of God’s design for the marriage covenant.
Which Decade are you in?
No matter what decade of marriage you are in, or what decade you were married, God’s Word is the anchor in the choppy seas of life. God’s love and forgiveness experienced in our personal life, gives us the capacity to experience all that God designed our marriage to be.
We are in 2024! The enemy's attack on marriage and family is just as aggressive as it has ever been. We will not stand idly by and allow marriages to crumble, for marriage to be redefined outside of what God’s Word teaches. Ignoring the many young people who love the Lord and are looking for models of healthy marriages. CFL is committed to marriage discipleship in every community, church and country. Helping marriages thrive around the world by training marriage disciples who build, enrich, and reconcile relationships.
Join us, pray with us, give financially to fuel the mission!
For more information, listen to this podcast about marriages through the decades.