Facing Trials: Why Me?

We often asking ourselves, "Why me? Why I am the one facing trials right now?" Though it can be challenging, what we really need to ask is, "What are God's purposes for this trial?"

We often asking ourselves, "Why me? Why I am the one facing trials right now?" Though it can be challenging, what we really need to ask is, "What are God's purposes for this trial?"

Our Need when Facing Trials

"Why me? Why now? Will it ever end?"

When faced with trials we often ask these questions.  We become frustrated, disappointed, and 

Yet the most important question we can ask is, "What are God's purposes for this trial?" This is because God often uses trials to accomplish His purposes in our lives.

God's Principle while Facing Trials

The first thing to know when facing trials is that it should be expected. Peter states: 

"Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you" (1 Peter 4:12).

All marriages will face trials.

God allows trials to enter our lives so that we will grow closer in oneness to each other, develop a dependence on Him, as well as strengthening our faith in Him.

Trials potentially can change husbands and wives for the better. 

When couples facing trials fix their eyes on God, they begin to see His faithfulness and His Word take on new meaning. 

Our Response to Facing Trials

In light of God's desire to use trials to help us grow in oneness with each other and with Him, prayerfully answer the following questions: 

  1. Should you be surprised when facing a trial?
  2. What trial are you and your spouse going through right now?
  3. Are you using this trial as an opportunity to grow together in oneness with each other and with God?

If not, prayerfully commit your trial to God and ask the Holy Spirit to help you gain God's perspective in this situation.

When you face trials, how do you respond?

We often asking ourselves, "Why me? Why I am the one facing trials right now?" Though it can be challenging, what we really need to ask is, "What are God's purposes for this trial?"

Learn About Christian Family Life

Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages.

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