Beau’s Story

I’ve got a dream

For the longest time I had a nightly dream of a little boy sitting in a stroller. I couldn’t see his face, but I could see his dark hair. Everyone in the dream was calling him “Beau.” This recurrence led to Chris and I having a serious conversation about adoption. We were already proud parents of our daughter Avonlea, who was a little over a year old at the time. 

We started the adoption journey right after Christmas in 2014. With our family present on Christmas Eve night, we participated in a white envelope ceremony. Sharing the news through our letter that we were going to start the adoption process.  We immediately applied to various agencies and networks, each with their own fees, paperwork, and timely processes. We had no idea the amount of red tape, restrictions, expectations, and access to our lives this beginning part of the process would entail.


While we were disheartened by the multiple rejections, we were also disheartened by the fading health of my mother, as her cancer aggressively returned. We decided to continue to grow our family biologically in the midst of this. Our second precious child, Scarlett, was born. Following her birth, the next eight months were difficult for our family as we watched the decline of my mother’s health. She passed into glory eight months later. This brought feelings of incredible loss and sorrow to our lives that we had never experienced. She had wanted to see the fruits of the process. I wanted her to meet Beau. Chris and I clung to each other through all of the loss.

Heart Work

Over two years of waiting had elapsed. We were tired and frustrated with the process. Following the steps, praying for guidance and wisdom, and yet heard rejection after rejection. We didn’t feel like there was any more we could do, say, or add to our adoption profiles. Most of the feedback that we received from the birth mothers or the agencies was that they were looking for a family that didn’t have any children. We continued to heed the counsel of others encouraging us to keep the faith.

I remember sitting in my car one day after work at the end of my rope. Scrolling social media and saw a post that showed a friend’s adoption finalization. I reached out to the family, in curiosity about their process. In a moment of just “why not?” I called the number she had provided and was instantly connected with a voice on the other end. Our lawyer took the time to listen to our story, ask a few questions, and informed me that she had several children waiting. I told her to take the one off the top. She said it was a little boy. Without talking to Chris, I remained in the parking lot and emailed her our paperwork. 

We received the phone call a few days later. A match was found! We asked our lawyer what it was that stuck out about our profile.  Would you believe that Beau’s birth mother wanted a family that already had several children and also wanted the family that had been waiting the longest? 


We didn’t have much time to prepare for his homecoming once we heard that we were officially matched. On the last day of school, I received the call. Beau had been born that afternoon. Chris and I reached out to our immediate family and quickly organized a departure within 12 hours of the call, packed bags for an unknown amount of time, and coordinated care for our girls. Through the friends who shared with us the name of their lawyer, we were connected with a friend of theirs in Arizona, where Beau was born. Would you believe her friend had a vacation rental that she offered to us free of charge for our extended stay? Would you believe that the hospital was directly next door to the vacation rental? It still gives me goosebumps to see how closely God’s hand was over the provision of that part of Beau’s story.

Twenty days later, we were able to bring him home. God continued to work through each hiccup that came along with paperwork, legal documents, and finalization of his adoption. In January of 2019, the adoption was finalized. The judge said he had never seen his courtroom so full of people and happy tears. It was a beautiful day. 

Lasting Impact

Adoption has indeed changed our lives forever. It has put us through both trials and blessings we would have never been able to experience. Throughout it all, we have seen the intricate work of God’s detailed plans. They far exceeded anything we could fathom, create, or do of our own accord.

The greatest impact on our marriage has been Beau’s autism diagnosis. We are continuing to learn what that looks like for him. Seeking how to navigate the challenges it brings to him and the rest of our family. We know that it is not by mistake we are his earthly parents. We will approach this the same way we have approached every step of Beau’s life thus far, trusting that God will bring us through it and He can be glorified in the process. 

Chris and Rachel share their story on two of our podcasts. Please listen to even more details of this beautiful picture of God working out His perfect plan.

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