God’s Third Purpose for Marriage – Reign Together in Power

One of God's purposes of marriage is for you and your spouse to reign together in the power of the Holy Spirit. You and your spouse are not enemies, but rather you have a common enemy to fight.

One of God’s purposes of marriage is for you and your spouse to reign together in the power of the Holy Spirit. You and your spouse are not enemies, but rather you have a common enemy to fight.

One of God's purposes of marriage is for you and your spouse to reign together in the power of the Holy Spirit. You and your spouse are not enemies, but rather you have a common enemy to fight.

Note: This is part 3 of a 3 part series. Click to read part 1 and part 2.

Our Need

Frank Peretti, the popular Christian writer, has written powerful stories that bring spiritual warfare to life through fiction. Yet — though his books are best sellers — many Christians remain unaware of the real impact of unseen forces.

According to the Bible spiritual warfare exists.

Your spouse is not your enemy. You have a common enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy you and your marriage.

In fact, many marriages are under attack.


If Satan can keep husbands and wives divided they won’t be able to participate together as soldiers in the battle. Yet, God has a different plan. 

Our Response

God’s third purpose for marriage is to reign over the earth:

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. . . ” (Genesis 1:28)

A battle between right and wrong is being waged in every heart, in every marriage, in every city, in every nation!

Husbands and wives are to pray and discern God’s will in situations in which they are placed. They should see themselves as His soldiers. 

To accomplish God’s purposes for your marriage — to reflect, reproduce and reign together — you must be one with your spouse and God.

This starts by recognizing the unseen, yet very real spiritual forces that can create discouragement and disunity. 

God’s Plan for Us to Reign

1. Read Ephesians 6:12. Do you accept that spiritual warfare exists? How does this change your understanding of the struggles you face in your marriage? 

2. Stop right now. Ask God to help you see the real battle in your marriage. Ask Him to direct your efforts so you and your mate can rule in the situations He has placed you.

Do you and spouse treat each other like the enemy? How can you and your spouse reign together?

One of God's purposes of marriage is for you and your spouse to reign together in the power of the Holy Spirit. You and your spouse are not enemies, but rather you have a common enemy to fight.

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Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages.

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