Written by Special Guest Contributor: Cindy Goff
This time of quarantine is difficult for so many. I find myself distant from those I love. My lens appears to have a filter clouding my view. Normal routines and bigger dreams appear to be on hold or possibly even lost. This season of distancing has truly been one in which sacrifice has a new meaning.
I recall another difficult time in my life when circumstances demanded a complete “halt” from the familiar. I was navigating a “new normal”. I recently had divorced my husband of 10 years. Our two children were with me 1,500 miles from their father. I was attempting to begin a new life looking for a “fresh start” as a single parent.
Darkness and anxiety overcame me, I had lost all hope and was experiencing depression. The emotional pain of feeling like a failure, being unlovable and letting go of the dreams which we had in our marriage seemed unbearable.
Years later, after a miraculous set of circumstances, my husband and I accepted Jesus as our Savior and by God’s grace we remarried. The God of reconciliation and restoration redeemed what appeared to be so lost! “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins”. Colossians 1:13-14.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, our way of living has been abruptly interrupted. I hear it stated that this is the “new normal”. I feel as though I have lost my life as I once knew it! At times I find it hard to find joy and anticipation of another new day. Where do I find hope?
We recently celebrated Easter, but in order to fully experience Easter, one must look back on Christ’s journey. I imagine Christ’s trek on the Via Della Rosa, His journey to ultimate sacrifice. Darkness enveloped on Good Friday. Praise God, the story had just begun. We know the rest of the story! What appeared so hopeless, what looked like the end became the beginning of eternal life. The ultimate sacrifice yielded great rewards- love was poured out!
Like me, you may be asking some of these questions:
- Father, how much longer?
- How will I live in these new circumstances of social distancing?
- How will I be able to relate with my loved ones?
- Will I ever be able to work or shop without concern?
- What is going to happen to my family?
I wait with anticipation “for the rest of the story”. What I can do on this day is stand firm on the knowledge of Your plans and promises for my life which enables me to persevere! Your will is being done here on earth, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and I will rejoice in the hope set before me!
“so that by two unchangeable things (His promise and His oath) in which it is impossible for God to lie. We who have fled (to Him) for refuge would have strong encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us.” Hebrew 6:18 AMP
Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages. Find out more at https://www.christianfamilylife.com/

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